Smart Energy System Simulation and Control Center (SEnSSiCC)

die SEnSSiCC-Halle bei Anbruch der Dunkelheit. Halbtransparente Fassade hell erleuchtet. Links daneben das Living Lab, rechts im Vordergrund ein Carport.A. Bramsiepe, S. Geißler; KIT
To enable the energy transition, various systems must be tested and newly developed. SEnSSiCC provides these linking options for different research infrastructures and disciplines.

The Smart Energy System Simulation and Control Center (SEnSSiCC) is essentially the brain of the Energy Lab. It processes information from the photovoltaic field, which not only supplies electricity but also valuable data on energy production. The large-scale battery storage systems provide insights into efficient storage technologies. The residential complexes contribute with findings on energy generation, consumption, and savings. In the SESCL, EGSAL, CMVC, and PHIL laboratories, measurement currents are stored, monitored, and analyzed for the development of future energy systems. The SEnSSiCC connects the real with the virtual energy world and also houses two Security Labs, which ensure the highest security standards.

SEnSSiCC is both physically and virtually connected to the research infrastructures HIP, Power-to-X, CCLab, and HPGL, and is operated by the Research Platform Energy as part of the Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics.