Energy Grids Simulation and Analysis Laboratory (EGSAL)

Großer Clustercomputer auf der linken Seite. Mann der am Computer arbeitet auf der rechten Seite.
In EGSAL, we model, simulate and analyze the integration of energy storage systems, consumers and generation. This allows us to account for all forms of energy in the power grids future.

The Energy Grids Simulation and Analysis Laboratory in the SEnSSiCC building combines hardware and software components for simulating, modeling and optimizing grid design and operation. All four sectors (electricity, gas, heat and fuel) are taken into account.

We investigate power grids on multiple scales. Our simulation models cover the range from microgrids similar to our campus over larger interconnected distribution grids (e.g. City of Karlsruhe and State of Baden Württemberg)  up to the transmission grids of Germany and Europe.

The main hardware components of EGSAL are four GPU-enhanced power workstations and two fully licensed NovaCor Real Time Dynamic Simulators from RTDS. The latter are supported by three specialized FPGA-Simulation units for detailed studies of Modular Multi Level Converters in HVDC and for the execution of dedicated component models. Using state-of-the-art commercial software like (PowerFactory, RSCAD, Dymola, Matlab) we investigate new operation strategies for multimodal energy grids. Therein, we also apply self-developed software solutions for Co-simulation like the eASiMOV-eCoSim framework.

The strong interconnection between EGSAL and the other laboratories within the Energy Lab also enables hardware testing of grid components and control schemes via Power Hardware in the Loop and Controller In the Loop approaches.

Our access to a large repository of weather data, self-recorded power grid data and data-streams from the campus instrumentation enables a wide range of studies in offline and real-time modes.

Research Topics and Objectives

  • Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis of Multimodal Energy Networks
  • Multi-Physics Co-Simulation
  • Tracking Digital Twins for Power Grids
  • Methods for Distribution and Coupling of Real-Time Simulations
  • Applications of IEC61850 Sampled Value Streams for Energy System Analysis



- 2 Real-Time Digital Simulators (RTDS NovaCor)
- FPGA Systems for MMC simulation, massive parallel IEC61850-SV streaming, and dedicated model excecution
- 4 GPU-enhanced power workstations


- Tools for energy network modeling, simulation, and analysis (PowerFactory, PSCAD, PSS-E, RSCAD, Dymola, Matlab)
- Energy network models (Powerflow, Phasor, EMT and Real-Time) of several regions and scales (KIT Campus North, Karlsruhe City, Germany, ENTSO-E)
- Electrical models of sector coupling elements in the Energy Lab