Kopernikus P2X
Within the scope of the Copernicus project "P2X", the partners Climeworks, Sunfire, INERATEC, and the KIT Institute of Micro Process Engineering are set up and operate an integrated process chain at the Energy Lab. Following the "power-to-fuel" concept, CO2-neutral fuels, also called e-fuels, can be produced in this way. The research focus in the project is the coupling of CO2 extraction from the air with a highly efficient co-electrolysis and with fuel synthesis and processing.
Further partners in the project are the German Aerospace Center, Linde, AUDI, AVL List, DB Energie, FORD, VW and IASA e.V.
The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Duration of the second project phase: 09/2019 - 08/2022
Detailed information on the project can be found at www.kopernikus-projekte.de/projekte/p2x.
The following YouTube-video explains the process chain and shows the proof-of-concept as a result of the first project phase (in German with subtitles):